Monument to the Revolutionary Years of 1848/49 (Dunajská Streda)

The author of the monument is artistic sculptor György Lipcsey. It symbolises the struggle for freedom during the revolutionary years of 1848/49. Each year it holds town celebrations of the revolution and Hungarians’ struggle for freedom against the Habsburg Dynasty. The monument was unveiled on 15 March 1995.
Its author is sculptor György Lipcsey. It symbolises the struggle for freedom during the revolutionary years of 1848/49. Each year it holds town celebrations of the revolution and Hungarians’ struggle for freedom against the Habsburg Dynasty. The monument was ceremoniously unveiled on 15 March 1995.

How can we get to the memorial?

By bicycle

K vodným mlynom na Malom Dunaji

Trasa: Dunajská Streda > Malé Dvorník > Dunajský Klátov > Jahodná > Tomášikovo > Trstice > Topoľníky > Dunajská Streda

Náročnosť: nenáročná trasa, väčšinou asfaltová s krátkymi prašnými a poľnými úsekmi, vhodné pre cestné a trekingové bicykle
Dĺžka: 57km
Zaujímavosti na trase: Dunajská Streda, vodné mlyny Malého Dunaja - Dunajský Klátov, Jahodná, Tomášikovo


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