Flora and fauna of thousands of islands

The Danube island and countryside is dominated by water and it is what forms unique plant and animal life. The most beautiful and diverse areas include Cícovské mrtve rameno. The path on which you can become familiar with protected animal and plant species is 6 km long and has 12 stops that will introduce rare as well as typical fish species for this territory, such as carp and catfish, more than 100 species of migratory birds, mostly water birds. Beautiful water lilies, willows and many other unique plants form charming corners in the entire area. Something very rare is the protected island of the white-tailed eagle, which is the largest nesting place of the largest nesting predator in Slovakia, the white-tailed eagle, and is also home to many rare plant and animal species. The big island at Zlatna na Ostrove is worth visiting. It is the last remaining large Danube island on the Slovak section of the river. The island forms the beautiful and diverse mosaic of meadows, forest and wetlands.

The Dunajské luhy nature preserve is also a major habitat for aquatic birds. Rare species of birds, such as the white-tailed eagle, the little egret and the purple heron appear there regularly. Therefore, the location is included among IBA globally important bird habitats.

Dunajské Luhy nature reserve

The Dunajské luhy nature reserve is the newest of 14 nature reserves in Slovakia. It is located in the southern part of Žitný Island and corresponds to the old riverbed of the Danube. The area consists of five separate parts of the Danube valley, which stretches from Bratislava in the river flow direction to the border with Hungary and Velkoléský Island in Komárno District. The area is spread across three regions, Bratislava, Trnava and Nitra. It has a total area of 122.84 km2 of flood areas, wetlands and various bodies of water, such as lakes, ponds and streams.


Ostrov orliaka morského

Ostrov orliaka morského, which means “Island of the White-tailed Eagle”, is a nature reserve managed by the state administration for nature protection of Dunajské luhy.
It is located in Dunajská Streda District (the municipality of Baka) in the Trnava region. The territory was declared or its status was updated in 1953, 1984 and 1988 with an area of 22.7700 ha. The protected zone has not been designated.
The subject of protection is as follows: The territory is currently one of the last remaining natural habitats of regularly flooded Danube meadow forests as well as a habitat for rare and endangered plant and animal species.

Ostrovné lúčky

Ostrovné lúčky is a nature reserve in the Dunajské luhy area.

It is located in the Bratislava V District in the Bratislava Region. The territory was declared or its status was updated in 1988 with an area of 54.9300 ha. The protected zone has not been designated.

The subject of protection is as follows: The protected territory has been established for protection of rare flora, preserved forest habitat and the meadow forest of the Sub-Danube Lowlands.

The area is 9,157 hectares, approximately 20% of the area of Szigetköz, of which 1,325 hectares are highly protected.  The protected territory consists of two larger and a few smaller mosaic units. These are specified in Sérfenyoszigetto, a bear species is protected, and Moson-Dunaj and adjacent forests are the protected Kunsziegetig Rajka. The mosaic areas are located in Dunakiliti, Feketeerdo , Halászi , Dunasziget, Lipót  and Dunaszeg.


In the slower waters and moraines which are cut off from the Danube branches, there are floating and rooted beds of seaweed (Lemnetalia, Hydrocharietalia and Potamogetonetalia). In the shallow waters and along the banks, there are canes and highlands. The Danube features islands, regularly drying ponds, revolving branches, and cultivation of important water birds and feed for various water species of plants.

The most represented fauna in aquatic species can be found in Szigetköz. About 80% of domestic species are located in fish fauna. There is life in originally clear mountain stream (Salmo trutto fario), along with protected swamps and marshes.

Nearly all domestic species of amphibians can be found here.


The nature reserve of Cícovské mrtve rameno is part of Cícovské luhy, a territory of European importance. It is one of the most valuable nature locations in the Danube region and is considered the pearl of Žitný Island. It currently represents the most preserved dead arm of the Danube outside of its floodplain area. This makes it unique. This former main flow of the Danube was cut off during 1830 to 1840 to facilitate steamboat traffic. The average depth of the water in the arm is about 3 m.

Číčovské mŕtve rameno

The Cícovské mrtve rameno nature reserve is an important location for protection of the diversity of plant and animal species. In terms of water vegetation, it is the most preserved ecosystem of plant species in the Sub-Danube Lowland. The current vegetation includes mainly growth in forest meadows, and the dominant trees are poplars and willows, while the other tree species included the Danube narrow-leaf ash and the elm. The most abundant shrubs are the elderberry, hawthorn,  bloody bloom, viburnum and blackberry The forest meadows get their jungle-like character from woody hops.

Klátovské rameno does neither originates from nor branches away from another flow and flows from ground water behind the municipality of Orechová Potôn - Lúky, which makes it very pure. On the top section, Klátovské rameno lacks a related water surface, and it only consists of lakes with abundant vegetation along the banks. The water depth ranges from a few centimetres to 5 m.

Klátovské rameno

This nature reserve was declared in 1993. On an area of 306.4 ha it protects habitats of alluvial willow-poplar and alder forests, natural eutrophic and mesotrophic stagnant waters with vegetation of floating and/or submerged vascular plants of the Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition type, lowland and foothill meadows, alluvial oak-elm-ash forests and Carpathian and Pannonian oak-hornbeam forests.
At Klátovské rameno, not far from the village of Dunajský Klátov, there is a unique water mill, which is a cultural landmark. It has multiple specific characteristics. Unlike other water mills in the area, it is not located on the main flow of the Small Danube. The mill wheel and propelling part are encased in wood, and the building is brick. The mill was built in 1920 by Ján Csefalvay and was in operation until 1942. It was damaged during World War II. Then it was used only until 1950, when Michal Csefalvay became its last owner. In 1987 it was reconstructed, and its current operator is the museum. When navigating Klátovské rameno, it is necessary to carry boats around the mill, because the weir there is not navigable.

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