Mansion Eberhard (Malinovo)
The Mansion Eberhard is a structure in classicist style built on the foundations of a medieval fortress, surrounded by a water dam. The original water castle dates from 1209. The manor belonged to the counts of St. George and Pezinok.
During 1677-1680, the Archbishop of Szelepcsény was undertook basic reconstruction of the water castle. The reconstruction resulted in a Renaissance mansion, as well as a castle, surrounded by a moat, which has been partially preserved to the present day. During that period, a chapel was added to the structure.
At the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, the Malinovo manor belonged to the Apponyi family, who in the first half of the 19th century reconstructed the four-winged building, and the mansion got its present-day classicist appearance.
The site is currently home to the Gustáv Čejka Secondary School of Gardening, which has roots dating to the first Czechoslovak Republic. The mansion is surrounded by a large English park with exotic trees and is accessible to the public.