Jewish cemetery (Dunajská Streda)
The cemetery has been serving the local Jewish community since 1740. It is the final resting place of many generations of Jewish families. Many important rabbis are buried there. They include the most important rabbi, Jehuda Aszód, whose grave is a pilgrimage site.

The oldest graves are in its eastern section, which is also the most interesting from an artistic and historical point of view. Most of the graves have clearly Baroque and Classicist adornments. The most frequently displayed symbols at the cemetery include the Star of David, the crown, the Jug of the Levites and the Priestly Blessing of the Cohens. Besides traditional Hebrew, the newest stone inscriptions are in Hungarian and Slovak.
How can we get to the cemetery?
By bicycle
Trasa: Dunajská Streda > Malé Dvorník > Dunajský Klátov > Jahodná > Tomášikovo > Trstice > Topoľníky > Dunajská StredaK vodným mlynom na Malom Dunaji
Náročnosť: nenáročná trasa, väčšinou asfaltová s krátkymi prašnými a poľnými úsekmi, vhodné pre cestné a trekingové bicykle
Dĺžka: 57km
Zaujímavosti na trase: Dunajská Streda, vodné mlyny Malého Dunaja - Dunajský Klátov, Jahodná, Tomášikovo