Monument to Roma victims of the Holocaust (Dunajská Streda)
The efforts of the Roma Studies Institute in Dunajská Streda led to the unveiling of the second Slovak monument to Roma victims of the Holocaust. The sculpture was unveiled in a major ceremony in 2006.

The memorial itself is entirely the work of Roma artists, including master blacksmiths from Dunajská Lužná. It shows the wall of a building in a concentration camp, and the artists used reddish colour similar to the blocks from which the buildings at the Auschwitz concentration camp were built. The work is dominated by a bronze depiction of a Roma concentration camp prisoner. The memorial also include barbed wire as a symbol of the suffering that was experienced in the camp. There are grey cobblestones showing the journey to suffering and death resulting from the Nazis’ death camps.
How can we get to the memorial?
By bicycle
Trasa: Dunajská Streda > Malé Dvorník > Dunajský Klátov > Jahodná > Tomášikovo > Trstice > Topoľníky > Dunajská StredaK vodným mlynom na Malom Dunaji
Náročnosť: nenáročná trasa, väčšinou asfaltová s krátkymi prašnými a poľnými úsekmi, vhodné pre cestné a trekingové bicykle
Dĺžka: 57km
Zaujímavosti na trase: Dunajská Streda, vodné mlyny Malého Dunaja - Dunajský Klátov, Jahodná, Tomášikovo